Download PDF: FL Communiqué July 2017
Guest Editorial
Case: Knowing when to stop
Case: End of life care – what is medical treatment?
Comments from our peers
The role of the junior doctor in delicate end-of-life decisions
Welcome to the fourth issue of the Future Leaders Communiqué, our sister publication to the Clinical Communiqué and the Residential Aged Care Communiqué. Since the launch of this version with junior practitioner inspired content, the response has been fantastic, with feedback telling us how well the issues are resonating with our recently graduated colleagues.
The important and hard work done by our guest editors has been recognised further with the recent announcement that the Victorian Managed Insurance Authority (VMIA) will support the production of another four issues of the Future Leaders Communiqué going into 2018. With subscriber numbers growing to over 2500 in such a short space of time, and the ongoing support of the VMIA, the future of this publication looks bright and strong.
Our guest editor for this issue is Dr Bharathy Gunasekaran, a Basic Physician Trainee in her fourth post-graduate year. Dr Gunasekaran works at a large metropolitan hospital in Melbourne and has a keen interest in palliative care, and public health. This issue addresses the clinical challenges of end-of-life care in situations where patients are unable to give consent.
We are fortunate to have an expert commentary from Dr Paul Eleftheriou, Deputy Chief Medical Officer and Medical Director for Quality Improvement and Innovation at Austin Health. He provides unique insights relevant to junior doctors including their role in end-of-life care management, their limitations as a junior staff member, and tips for junior doctors when confronted with challenging situations in a palliative care setting.