Clinical Communiqué Volume 11 Issue 1 March 2024Determining fitness to drive in older drivers is an important and complex task that all healthcare providers should understand and address.
Residential Aged Care Communiqué Volume 19 Issue 1 February 2024A resident is administered medication to which he has a known allergy leads to review of practice and systems of care.
Clinical Communiqué Episode #12: Extubation CrisisExtubation-related incidents continue to cause preventable deaths.
Residential Aged Care Communiqué Episode #16: Wheelchair FallA resident fall from a runaway wheelchair.
Clinical Communiqué Volume 10 Issue 4 December 2023Thunderstorm asthma events can trigger severe asthma symptoms in susceptible individuals and potentially rapidly overwhelm health services.
Residential Aged Care Communiqué Episode #15: Unexplained absenceEscaping, absconding, unexplained absences lead to death.
The CommuniquésEpisode 4: Mental Health presentations in persons with dementiaWebinar Recording 1:00pm Wed 4 September 2024
The CommuniquésResidential Aged Care Communiqué Volume 19 Issue 3 August 2024We present two cases highlighting the poorer outcomes that can occur for older persons following trauma.
The CommuniquésClinical Communiqué Episode #13: Failure to hear concernsFailure to hear the concerns of those that should be at the centre of every health care interaction is a missed opportunity to prevent harm.